October 26, 2023

  • Small Group Bible Studies – Session 9: Clears (Mark 11:15-25)
  • Children’s Sunday School Classes
  • TeenLife Sunday School

*Parents of children in 1st-5th grade: Instead of picking up your children in the gym after Sunday School, please pick them up in the auditorium. They will be seated with their teachers & class in the 1st pew behind the piano. 

  • Worship Service - The Beauty of our Mission (John 20:21)
  • Children’s Church
  • Nursery – C. Chadwick / T. Crissen / H. Dubree / A. Jones

  • Commitment & Chili Cook-Off - Considering missions, what can you give towards missions? Join us for fellowship & a chili cook-off! Two categories of chili will be judged, regular & spicy, 3 winners chosen from each. Sign up below or at the Welcome Desk on Sunday! Adults, Teens & all children will meet together in the gym. 

  • Bible Study

  • Home Connection Groups
 (To join a group, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Desk or click here.)

This Sunday, we will be hearing testimonies of several people who have placed their faith in Christ & will be following the Lord in baptism. What a wonderful thing to praise God for! 


Examines the biblical foundations of thankfulness & traces how it can reshape every-day Christian living. Limited quantity available, suggested donation of $5, pick up at the Welcome Desk.



We will take time to recognize Veterans present during the 10am service.
They’ll also receive a gift as a token of our appreciation for their service to our country.
If you plan to attend, sign up below & let us know if you’ll be bringing a pie. There is no contest this year.


NOVEMBER 21, 2023 AT 6:30PM
Please let us know you're planning to attend & if you will be bringing a pie.

  • Lois & Ernie Eaton: continued prayer for health & grace
  • Fritzi & Sue Sips: Fritzi’s chemo treatments
  • Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
  • Marilyn Helms: has had a lot of back pain, feeling discouraged
  • Becky White: in hospital since last week due to passing out; hoping to be released soon
  • John Bower: Esophageal cancer; Thyroid came back as cancer; not sure whether it thyroid cancer (more treatable, keep in stage 3) or esophageal (very bad & would bump to stage 4 terminal); moving forward as if it's thyroid cancer & treat the esophageal cancer & see what happens; having port put in Monday morning & radiation begins that afternoon
  • Robin Barnard (Tabitha Schuetz sister): in hospital; large tumor found on cervix which is affecting/compromising kidneys; surgery not an option; had stent put it & waiting for biopsy results to decide treatments; trouble managing pain
  • Tom Cantrell: unspoken request for a friend who needs healing
  • Victor Sparks: achilleas & leg injury; MRI today
  • Hazel Plummer & family: sister went home to be with the Lord; comfort for them
  • Darren Grubb (Glenda's great nephew): having an endoscopy on 11/2
  • Cindy (daughter of Truman & Naomi Snyder): in hospital up in Indy w/serious heart problems; fighting some infections & needing a permanent pacemaker put in but she needs to be stabilized before they'll do it

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 10/18/2023 or monies received in the office after 10/22/2023. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.

General: $21,706.63
Missions: $1,443.48
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs

Ways to give:
  • Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
  • Drop-off at the church through the week
(Office hours are Mon-Thur: 8:30am-2:30pm)
  • Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Rd. 46 / Ellettsville, IN 47429