December 7, 2023

  • Small Group Bible Studies – Session 2: The First Couple (Gen. 2:7-9, 12-25)
  • Children’s Sunday School Classes
  • TeenLife Sunday School

  • Worship Service - Hallelujah, Jesus is the Reason for the Psalms! (Ps. 146-150) 
  • Children’s Church
  • Nursery – M. Gilstrap / S. Higgins / E. Lee / O. McCameron

  • Owen Valley Health Campus Ministry (Meeting at the facility)

  • Caroling at the Square
Meeting at the Square in downtown Bloomington. Sundays are free to park at all garages. 

NO Adult Services
  • KidzLife - Christmas Party!
  • TeenLife - Christmas Party!

  • Mid-Week Bible Study & Pitch-In Lunch!
Pitch-In Lunch after the Bible study. Bring a dish to share with everyone!

  • Home Connection Groups (To join a group, sign up at the Welcome Desk this Sunday or click here.)


Available at the Welcome Desk this Sunday
Fear and anxiety can paralyze Christians, damage relationships, and hamper service for God. With step-by-step instructions and Scripture meditation, Rand Hummel offers freedom for those controlled or hindered by fear. Rand's Scripture meditation series and his book The Dark Side of the Internet have grown out of his experiences counseling men and women crippled by lust, anger, and fear.
As a church family, we would like to express our love and appreciation to our pastors and their families by collecting a love-offering for Christmas. If you would like to contribute, please use the envelopes designated “Christmas for Pastors” located at the Welcome Desk and in the pews. Click here to give online. We will collect these love gifts through Sunday, December 17th.
A Christmas poinsettia is a beautiful to honor or remember a loved one during the Christmas season! These poinsettias will be used to decorate the platform through the Christmas Day morning service.
The name of your loved one will be published on an insert in the Christmas Sunday morning worship guide.
Each poinsettia costs $15. Fill out a form (found at the Welcome Desk), attach the payment (check or cash) & place them in the box for poinsettias located at the Welcome Desk. Orders are due this Sunday. 
  • Lois & Ernie Eaton: continued prayer for health & grace
  • Fritzi & Sue Sips: received good report from doctors this week; continuing chemo & radiation treatments for now
  • Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
  • Jerry Von Bokern: had a serious fall Friday night; in & out of hospital w/possible infection; strength for Pat
  • George Kristoff: blood clots in lungs & had procedure to have them removed Tues Night; went home Wednesday
  • Becky White:  finally home; would love visits or calls
  • John Bower: chemo symptoms mild & able to work; last round Thurs then will find out if he needs another round or surgery

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 11/29/2023 or monies received in the office after 12/03/2023. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.

General: $12,212.28
Missions: $655.67
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs

Ways to give:
  • Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
  • Drop-off at the church through the week
(Office hours are Mon-Thur: 8:30am-2:30pm)
  • Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Rd. 46 / Ellettsville, IN 47429