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Where Do I Begin?

If you are interested in Biblical Counseling or curious to learn more, start here!

Training & Instruction

Specific training in Biblical Counseling is available so that you can be equipped to serve your local church.


There are many beneficial resources out there that we have organized with links.


These organizations are committed to equipping and training Christians for Biblical Counseling.


Biblical Counseling seeks to help people find, and rest in, the sufficiency of Christ. Faith Biblical Counseling defines Biblical Counseling as “the process where the Bible, God’s Word, is related individually to a person or persons who are struggling under the weight of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering, so that he or she might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God.”

This training will benefit your own personal life as well as those around you. You will receive a certificate of completion for finishing Track 1 training. If you want to pursue Biblical Counseling certification, this training satisfies the required instruction for receiving ACBC certification. We live in a sinful and broken world that desperately needs counselors who care about people who are suffering.

The training and resources use a variety of Bible translations and the instructors will introduce you to doctrinal and theological concepts that may be new or difficult for you. The pastors at Lifeway understand this and desire for you to learn as much as you can about Biblical Counseling.  

Where Do I Begin?

Biblical counseling can be intimidating. There are many things to learn, and it does require time and effort. However, it is important to remember this is an exciting journey. You will never have all the answers and that is alright! Biblical counseling is about understanding that Christ and his Word is sufficient for life and godly living.

Every Christian should engage with biblical counseling as we counsel ourselves, our loved ones, and those around us in the Body of Christ.
If you are interested in beginning this journey, consider the following steps:

Spend time in prayer.

Ask God for wisdom as you seek to help others rest in Christ. Be quick to recognize your own short-comings and failures and yield yourself to Christ as His servant. Biblical counseling can be draining. As God to strengthen your love for Him as you spend more time in His Word.

Read some counseling mini books.

Pick up two or three mini books and read through them. Pick up different topics and make sure you get one that you have little knowledge about. Consider the tone of the author and goal of each book. What do you observe as you read these books?

Review our counseling process.

Review our process for Biblical Counseling

Read "Counseling With Purpose"

A 20-minute podcast about the essential nature of Biblical Counseling for the local church. Many times, a biblical counseling ministry grows out of the humility of knowing we all need biblical counseling.

Listen to "Growing a Counseling Ministry"

This short article explains what purposeful counseling looks like practically. It demonstrates what an hour of counseling looks like and explains what Biblical Counseling is not.

Watch "Why Counsel?"

A longer explanation about why biblical counseling is necessary for Christians and the local church. This session is the introductory hour for Track 1.

Track 1 Training & Instruction


Track 1  equips learners with the basic tools and knowledge necessary to ministry the Word personally. Many will find this training helpful in their individual relationship with Jesus, their own relationships, and in their ministry to others. Track 1 demonstrates how biblical counsel is based on the sufficiency of the Scripture and it is application for Spiritual growth. This training satisfies the training requirement for ACBC certification. Participants will learn the key elements for personal ministry as well as receive introductory teaching on the heart in the sanctification process. We will teach about other common counseling issues including biblical communication, roles in marriage, anger, and depression.

Structure of the course

Lifeway is working with Faith Counseling to provide the best and most efficient training. This course includes:
  • 32 hours of video instruction and a comprehensive notebook.
  • An online account so you can watch or re-watch any instruction between March 22 and June 17.
  • Two-thirds of the instruction will be viewed in-person at Lifeway. This will enable us to talk and learn together, led by pastor Doug Stewart and ACBC certified Melinda Von Bokern.
  • One-third of the instruction will be required to be viewed at home. This allows us to finish in roughly 10 weeks.

Track 1 training information

WHEN: Beginning March 22 through May 17 (see calendar below)
COST: $239, $259 after 3/1, and $279 after 3/15. The cost includes:
  • Personal access to all 32 hours of Track 1 videos for 90 days.
  • A printed binder with all session notes (you will also receive a digital copy).
  • Snacks and a light breakfast (juice, coffee, granola bars, muffins, etc.)
  • Receive a "Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry" certificate upon completion.
If you desire to receive this training yet find the cost to be prohibitive, partial and full scholarships are available. Please talk with Tabitha Schuetz for more information, 812-876-6072)


There are dozens and dozens of wonderful resources on Biblical Counseling. The following short list includes introductory resources

The Gospel

What is the Gospel

By Greg Gilbert
You want to lead your child to Christ, but you often wonder exactly what you should be saying and sharing with your child. How do you know what parts of the gospel to share?  How do you know if your child is really understanding the good news of the gospel or just trying to please you?

A Gospel Primer for Christians

By Milton Vincent
In this little primer you will find short passages of biblical truth to help you savor the glories of God’s love and experience the life-transforming power of the gospel in all areas of life. Use this book to preach the gospel to yourself daily and be amazed at the difference it can make in your life! 

Leading Your Child to Christ

By Marty Machowski
You want to lead your child to Christ, but you often wonder exactly what you should be saying and sharing with your child. How do you know if your child is really understanding the good news of the gospel or just trying to please you? Marty Machowski outlines the core truths of the gospel and explains them in ways a child can understand. 

Gospel Treason

By Brad Bigney
In this transparent, honest book, Brad Bigney helps us to identify our idols, understand how they lead us to commit treason against the gospel--and finally repent of them and root them out forever by turning to the only One who can fill our every need. 


No Quick Fix

By Andrew Naselli
 In No Quick Fix,Naselli critiques higher life theology from a biblical perspective. He shows that it leads not to freedom, but to frustration, because it promises something it has no power to deliver. Along the way, he tells the story of where higher life theology came from, describes its characteristics, and compares it to what the Bible really says about how we overcome sin and become more like Christ. 

The Disciplines of Grace

By Jerry Bridges
If you've wondered what about the difference between your role and God's role in your spiritual formation, this book will tell you how to rest in Christ while pursuing a life of holiness. 

Theology of Biblical Counseling

A Theology of Biblical Counseling

By Heath Lambert
A Theology of Biblical Counseling is an ideal resource for use in training biblical counselors at colleges, seminaries, and training institutes. In each chapter, doctrine comes to life in real ministry to real people, dramatically demonstrating how theology intersects with the lives of actual counselees.

Counseling and Christianity

By Stephen P. Greggo & Timothy A. Sisemore
Christians who counsel, both those in practice and those still in training, will be served by this volume as it strengthens the connections between theory and practice in relating our faith to the mental health disciplines. They will finally get an answer to their persistent but unanswered question: "What would that counseling view look like behind closed doors?" 


Association of Biblical Counselors (ACBC)

ACBC equips Christians to provide biblical solutions for the problems people face. We accomplish this through certification that upholds faithful practice with doctrinal integrity and biblical sufficiency, resources that build up the church, and networks that promote biblical counseling excellence.

Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)

The aim of CCEF is to consider how caring for people’s souls can be increasingly wise and helpful. This is sometimes identified as biblical counseling. We intend this not as a protected trademark but as a body of work to which many contribute. It describes the troubles we face, how those troubles are experienced, how God speaks to us during those troubles, and how we help each other with wisdom and love.

Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC)

Our goal is to foster collaborative relationships and to provide robust, relevant biblical resources that equip the Body of Christ to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. We desire to advance the biblical counseling movement in Christ-centered cooperation by relating in ways that are loving and wise, pursuing the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 

Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry

We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. We want to come alongside you to encourage you with Biblical truth that will make a lasting impact. We believe that God has given us all we need to know Him and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. All our difficulties may not evaporate. However, when a person willingly submits to God's instructions and clings to his promises there is hope and help.