Given to hospitality.
Romans 12:13
The early church was marked by hospitality. In Romans 12:13, Paul encourages the Christians in Rome to live out their faith, in part by showing “hospitality.” During times of persecution, hospitality was a means of edifying the body of Christ and sanctifying believers (Acts 2:44-45 and 1 Peter 4:9). After all, believers CARE for each other – Christ And Relationships Everywhere.
Encouraging one another to endure.
Hebrews 10:24
The Christian journey requires endurance (Hebrews 10:32-36). As we mature and grow in the faith, we must spend time with each other as we help one another continue in the faith.
When Groups Meet
Every Wednesday, 10:30 am
We meet at Lifeway and enjoy time together in Scripture and prayer for one another.
There is no need to sign up for this fellowship.
There is no need to sign up for this fellowship.
every other week
College & Career
This fellowship meets at the church at 6:30 every other week.
Fellowship at Lifeway
This fellowship meets at the church at 6:30 every other week.
Home Fellowhships
These groups meet in homes. If you are interested in joining a group, sign up below: