Connection Fellowships

Given to hospitality.

Romans 12:13

The early church was marked by hospitality. In Romans 12:13, Paul encourages the Christians in Rome to live out their faith, in part by showing “hospitality.” During times of persecution, hospitality was a means of edifying the body of Christ and sanctifying believers (Acts 2:44-45 and 1 Peter 4:9). After all, believers CARE for each other – Christ And Relationships Everywhere.

Encouraging one another to endure.

Hebrews 10:24

The Christian journey requires endurance (Hebrews 10:32-36).  As we mature and grow in the faith, we must spend time with each other as we help one another continue in the faith.

When Groups Meet


Every Wednesday, 10:30 am

We meet at Lifeway and enjoy time together in Scripture and prayer for one another.
There is no need to sign up for this fellowship.

every other week

College & Career

This fellowship meets at the church at 6:30 every other week.

Fellowship at Lifeway

This fellowship meets at the church at 6:30 every other week.

Home Fellowhships

These groups meet in homes. If you are interested in joining a group, sign up below:

Sign up for a Connection Fellowship

Current fellowships:

2 in Ellettsville
1 in Martinsville

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings