August 24, 2023

We look forward to gathering this week! Here is what you can expect:
  • Small Group Bible Studies – Session 13: Good (Lamentations 3:19-33)
  • Children’s Sunday School Classes
  • TeenLife Sunday School

  • Worship Service - Contentment or Pain (I Timothy 6:6-10)
  • Children’s Church
  • Nursery – M. Gilstrap / C. Morrison / A. Ogle

  • College & Career Luncheon (following the 10am service)

  • Owen Valley Health Campus Ministry (Meeting at the facility)

To learn more about Sunday evening services, click here.
  • Sunday Evening Service - The Need for Equipping
  • Kid's Blast Night! Dodgeball!
  • TeenLife 
  • Nursery – C. Harris / G. Litz

  • Bible Study
  • College & Career Group (To join a group, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Desk or click here.)
  1. Adults: plan to join us Sunday at 5pm for an equipping time. This hour is set aside to equip each of us for ministry.
  2. Kid's Blast: Check-in is downstairs at 5pm. Children age 3-Grade 5 will enjoy dodgeball! There will be a snack. Be ready to have fun & learn of the Gospel!
  3. Attention Teens (Grades 6-12): Sunday night begins our teen service at 5pm in the basement. Join us for an hour packed with food, games and a helpful Bible message!

Fall SS Quarter begins Sept. 10th. Pick up a new book at the Welcome Desk this Sunday.

Family Activity to Lark Ranch
September 30th
  • Lois & Ernie Eaton: continued prayer for health & grace
  • Fritzi & Sue Sips: Fritzi’s chemo treatments
  • Tyler Sage: health
  • Tim Huffman: continued prayers for strength & healing
  • Jason Jedlicka: received a good report from doctors; continued prayers for healing
  • Joe Paulley: home recovering from knee replacement
  • John Meghenhardt: in hospital w/complications from surgery
  • Rhea Borders: in the hospital
  • Mark Kaufield: Thankful for the prayers; he was able to have procedure done; waiting for test results
  • Patrick Fisher: seeing ENT about his ears; ear tubes have fallen
  • Becky White: at Bloomington Rehab Hospital; continued healing from stroke; for eyesight to be restored; enjoys visitors!
  • Sept. 3 w/the Frazor Evangelistic Team: This is the first time this family has ministered to us. Their music & the preaching will be a blessing to all of us. 
  • Sept. 20 Gospel Bluegrass Outdoor Community Outreach: The Steve Pettit Bluegrass Music Team is coming here an evening of music! This free community outreach will include a meal, music & a Gospel message. Please pray for this event & the opportunities we will have. 

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 08/16/2023 or monies received in the office after 08/20/2023. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.

General: $11,010.42
Missions: $436.00
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs

Ways to give:
  • Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
  • Drop-off at the church through the week
(Office hours are Mon-Thur: 8:30am-1:00pm)
  • Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Rd. 46 / Ellettsville, IN 47429