August 31, 2023

We are looking forward to having Frazor Ministries with us this Sunday!
Here is what you can expect:

  • Combined Adult Sunday School (All adults will meet in the auditorium.)
  • Children’s Sunday School Classes
  • TeenLife Sunday School

** This Sunday, parents of children in 1st-5th grades, will pick their children up in the gym at 9:45am & bring them into the main service for worship. Click here to learn more!

  • Worship Service - Guest Speaker, Jeremy Frazor w/special music by
    Frazor Ministries
  • Children’s Church
  • Nursery – H. Lewis / V. Lewis / J. Schmidt / R. Taylor

  • Sunday Evening Service - Guest Speaker, Jeremy Frazor w/special music by
    Frazor Ministries 
    (Teens will meet with adults in main service.)
  • KidzLife (Kids will begin in the main service & then be dismissed.)
  • Nursery – S. Besherwor / G. Litz

  • Bible Study
  • Home Groups (To join a group, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Desk or click here.)
Attention Parents: Beginning on Sunday, September 3, the following will apply to our Children’s Church Ministry.

  • Children Age 3 - Kindergarten nothing is changing! Children who attend Sunday School will transition into the appropriate classes immediately. Those families beginning with the main worship service can take their children to class prior to 10am. 
  • Children (1st-5th Grade) who attend our 9am Sunday School should be picked-up by a parent/guardian in the gymnasium following the 9:45am dismissal. 
  • All children in 1st-5th Grade and older will begin in the main worship service with their families at 10am. This will allow our children to join us for part of our worship service. At approximately 10:20, children up through Grade 5 may be dismissed to our Children’s Church.  All children will be picked up downstairs in their classes following the service.
  •  All children are invited to participate in the main worship service with their parents. Children’s Church is available if families desire to take advantage of this ministry.

If you have any questions concerning our Children’s Ministry,  please see an usher/greeter or contact the church office!

Fall SS Quarter begins Sept. 10th with Lesson #2. 
Pick up a new book at the Welcome Desk this Sunday.

Family Activity to Lark Ranch
September 30th
  • Lois & Ernie Eaton: continued prayer for health & grace
  • Fritzi & Sue Sips: Fritzi’s chemo treatments
  • Tyler Sage: health
  • Tim Huffman: continued prayers for strength & healing
  • Jason Jedlicka: continued prayers for healing
  • Joe Paulley: home recovering from knee replacement
  • John Meghenhardt: home from hospital & still needs prayers for recovery; will have an upcoming surgery to have an ileostomy reversal, no date yet
  • Rhea Borders: home & doing well
  • Mel Kline: dementia; visits are welcome
  • Becky White: at Bloomington Rehab Hospital; continued healing from stroke; for eyesight to be restored; enjoys visitors!
  • Sue Winders: healing from a fall & broken ribs
  • Ryan Grubb (Linda Grubb's son): having extreme back pain, heading to ER 8/31  
  • Hannah Walton (friend of Schuetz): 18 & had pacemaker put in yesterday; continued healing as she recovers & prayers for improved health
  • Wayne Wells (Cindy Sharp's brother-in-law): foot infection
  • Sept. 3 w/the Frazor Evangelistic Team
  • Sept. 20 Gospel Bluegrass Outdoor Community Outreach

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 08/23/2023 or monies received in the office after 08/27/2023. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.

General: $10,103.09
Missions: $1,424.00
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs

Ways to give:
  • Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
  • Drop-off at the church through the week
(Office hours are Mon-Thur: 8:30am-1:00pm)
  • Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Rd. 46 / Ellettsville, IN 47429