February 15, 2024
- Small Group Bible Studies - Session 12: Established (Genesis 17:1-10, 15-19)
- KidzLife Sunday School Classes
- TeenLife Sunday School
- Worship Service - For the Furtherance of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-20)
- Children’s Church
- Nursery – K. Cantrell / K. Jackson / C. Paulley / S. Rehmel
- Evening Service
- KidzLife
- TeenLife
- Nursery – M. Gilstrap / K. Jedlicka
- Soccer!
- Midweek Bible Study
- Home Group Connections (click here to find out how to get connected!)
Future Staff Search Update
On March 3rd, we will have an opportunity in the evening, in connection with the Lord’s Table, to hear more concerning our search for future staff. We recognize that our children and teens are a great priority here at Lifeway Baptist Church. We plan to have printed information concerning our goals and direction for you to pick up next Sunday, February 25th.
Extra Nursery workers are needed for the 10am Easter service (3/31). If you can help, please talk with Tabitha or Glenda this Sunday or contact the church office at 812-876-6072.
Last call for any lady who would enjoy getting to make/know a friend better. Please sign up by 2/18 at the Welcome Desk, or fill out the form below to be paired with another lady for 2024. This is a sweet opportunity to share friendship.
You may drop off donations at Lifeway during office hours (Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-2:30pm), or at the Center Monday & Thursday between noon and 4pm. If those times are not convenient for you, simply contact 812-829-2229 to schedule an appointment for drop off!!
If you have any interest in Biblical Counseling Training Track 1, please fill out the form below by 3/10.
Tentative dates for classes are 3/22-5/18.
Early registration cost is $259 (March 2-15).
If cost is an issue, scholarships are available.
If your child is planning to attend Summer Camp, sign up & deposit of $50 is due March 10.
Remaining camp balance of $200 is due July 7.
- Lois & Ernie Eaton: continued prayer for health & grace
- Fritzi & Sue Sips: continued health improvement
- Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
- John Bower: PRAISE! Home; continued prayers for healing, upcoming appts & pain management
- Lisa Chaudion: praying that small hole from surgery will close
- Hazel Plummer: overall health & upcoming dr appointments
- Pasty Hicks: likely released to rehab soon; wisdom for making decisions
- Tom Easton: health concerns; currently in Bloomington Hospital
- Wayne Wells (brother-in-law of Cindy Sharp): PRAISE! home & recovering
- Georgeanna Sharp (sister-in-law of Keith Sharp): taken off ventilator; likely will pass soon; prayer for salvation & comfort for family during this time
- Becky Glaze (Sharon Thornton’s daughter): health matters
- David Landis (Dee Goodman's Dad): diagnosed w/strep so heart valve replacement rescheduled to 2/27
- Linden Moss (Lisa Chaudion brother): admitted to Terre Haute last night w/chest pains; checking for blood clots
- Larry Anderson: bronchitis; not feeling well
- Annabelle (friend of Turbo): having seizures that progressively getting worse; traveled to Cincinnati Children's hospital for appt for neurologist
- Regine Kaufield: fell Wednesday night; in Bloomington hospital for evaluation
- Robin Barnard (Tabitha Schuetz sister): PRAISE! A heartfelt thank you to all who have prayed for Robin; she was healthy enough to fly out last weekend to visit Tabitha & family; please continue to pray for healing & PET scan in March to check if cancer is gone
These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 02/07/2024 or monies received in the office after 02/11/2024. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.
General: $12,571.64
Missions: $2,734.82
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs
Ways to give:
General: $12,571.64
Missions: $2,734.82
All money from mortgage will now go towards renovation & repairs
Ways to give:
- Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
- Drop-off at the church through the week
- Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church