July 25, 2024


  • Small Group Bible Studies
    • A Study in Acts 1-12 - Session 9: Baptizing (Acts 8:26-39)
      • Pastor Doug Stewart (Fellowship Hall)
      • Rosh Dhanawade (F9)
      • Ladies’ Class (Conference Room)
    • Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Growth - Pastor Steve (F6)
  • KidzLife Sunday School Classes
  • Impact Student Ministry

  • Worship Service - Sunday Morning Mini Series
    How are Christians to Think in These Unthinkable Times? Philippians 4:4-9
    Part Three: Exchanging My Anxiety for God's Peace
  • Children’s Church
  • Nursery: M. Feaster / S. Higgins / G. Litz / A. Ogle

  • Owen Valley Health Campus Ministry

  • Evening Service - Summer Camp Report
  • Nursery: M. Gilstrap / K. Jedlicka

  • Kid's Open Gym

  • Midweek Fellowship

  • Men's Bible Study*
*Please sign up below or at the Welcome Desk this Sunday if you plan to attend. 


Seven Reasons You Should Not  Indulge in Pornography

July 31 & August 7 at 6:30pm

Night #1 of a two-part men's study is Wednesday, July 31st at 6:30pm.
Men, be sure to grab the study guide for the next two Wednesdays on the church app or by clicking here. If you would like a printed copy, please stop by the Welcome Desk this Sunday and ask for a copy.

Recommended Resource for Families

It's back-to-school time, and there is no better time to get back on track with our family Bible reading and prayer time. Together with Jesus is a 12-month family discipleship planner which begins in August. Each month has a daily Bible reading plan, a specific way for your family to pray, a place for prayer requests and blessings. This planner is a great tool to help families grow in understanding who God is and how that impacts our daily lives! There is also a memory verse card bundle to supplement the planner!

There is a sample book at the children's Welcome Desk and the main Welcome Desk. If you want to put in a group order to save on shipping, please sign up at the Welcome Desk or the children's Welcome Desk. The monthly planner is currently on sale for $12 and the memory verse card set is $15.

If you would like to order on your own or check it out online before Sunday, click here
We invite all college & career folks to join us & the MBU Praisemen for a special night of pizza & volleyball. Sign up here to let us know you're coming!


Make plans to join us for a special Sunday Worship Service as we welcome the MBU Praisemen Music Group, they will join us for the 10am service. Potluck sign up sheets will be available next week. The outline of services for the day are listed below...

9am: Small Group Bible Studies, KidzLife Sunday School Classes, Impact Student Ministry
10am: Worship Service with our guests, MBU Praisemen Music Group
- Church Family Update (following the 10am service)
- Potluck
- No Evening Services


Thank you for the abundant amount of food that everyone brought in for the potluck we had at the end of June!  Thank you for all that everyone did whether bringing food or serving or helping to clean up!

Sunday, August 4, we will have the Praisemen Quartet with us from Maranatha Baptist University and we will get to enjoy lunch together after the morning service.

The church will provide the chicken, rolls, and drinks. Please sign up to bring a hot side dish, a cold side dish, or a dessert here or at the Welcome Desk.  To help the serving line be more efficient, please bring two of the same dish and label them #1 and #2. We will have 2 different serving areas to help the lines go much faster.

If you are able to help with preparation, service, or clean up, please sign up here or at the Welcome Desk.

Children’s Ministry Director Position

This Sunday, please pick up the flyer in the foyer describing Amber Dhanawade’s future ministry here at Lifeway as the Children’s Ministry Director. She will begin this position officially on August 4th. The flyer provides information that will be a blessing to you and there is also a place for you to share comments and questions. Thank you.
A Look at What We Will Be Studying…

Kidzlife Sunday Night Club will be using a curriculum from Truth:78 called the ABC’s of God. This curriculum will use the alphabet to help students understand more of the character and attributes of God. Students will learn of the greatness and worth of our God so that they may know Him and love Him more. Some of the attributes that we will study in the first few months are Incomprehensible, Eternal, Creator, Glorious, and Wise.
  • Fritzi & Sue Sips: continued health improvement; Sue for healing as she is doing therapy for torn rotator cuff 
  • Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
  • John Bower & Family: continued prayers for remission & strength as he continues treatments
  • Charlene Buss (Tina Edwards sister): Lord will give her strength during treatments for stage 4 lung cancer
  • Andy & Bryn Gleiser (children - Charis, Amberly, Drew): Bryn was diagnosed with lung cancer; treatment not an option
  • Richard Welding: in hospital with an infection in his port, praying to get home so chemo can resume
  • Dan Quearry: in hopsital after having a stint put in; pacemaker installed today
  • Donna Beck: health issues; feeling a little overwhelmed; encouragement needed
  • Marilyn Helms: back pain & wisdom for the right doctor
  • Paul Schmidt: has doctor appointments this week; he has been feeling pretty good overall
  • Mark (Sharon Hottell's brother): recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 07/17/2024 or monies received in the office after 07/21/2024. Those totals will be reflected in next week’s offering totals.

Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $10,388.92
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $686.32

Ways to give:
  • Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
  • Drop-off at the church through the week
(Office hours are Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-1:00pm)
  • Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Rd. 46 / Ellettsville, IN 47429