September 26, 2024

Connection Fellowships
- Small Group Bible Studies
- A Study in Acts 13-28 - Session 5: Kingdom Work
- Pastor Doug Stewart (Fellowship Hall)
- Rosh Dhanawade (F9)
- Ladies Class (Conference Room)
- Things to Come: Eschatology - Pastor Steve (F6)
- A Study in Acts 13-28 - Session 5: Kingdom Work
- KidzLife Sunday School Classes
- Impact Student Ministry
- Worship Service - The Servant of the Lord & Government | Part 3: Learning to Make Right Decisions (Romans 13:1-7)
- Children's Church
- Nursery: H. Dubree / S. Higgins / G. Litz
- Evening Service
- KidzLife - Letter of the Week: ‘G’ - Glorious... God shows His greatness & worth.
- Impact Student Ministry
- Nursery: C. Harris / T. Schuetz
Connection Fellowships
- 10:30am (at Lifeway)
- 6:30pm (Home Connection Fellowships)
The trustees are currently discussing HVAC needs.
Some of our units are 25 years old. This info will be shared soon.
We are excited that Blake will continue as a pastoral intern with us and that Olivia will join him as his help meet! Let's welcome them by stocking their pantry! Take a leaf off the sign in the foyer and shop for the pantry item listed on the back. Bring the pantry item back and drop it off in the baskets in the foyer!
Thank you for blessing them and welcoming them!

Students 6th-12th grade, come and join us for an epic night of mystery and intense fun! Have you heard of Mission Impossible or the board game Clue? Well, this is better! We'll start off the night with some pizza, chips, and pop and then get right into the fun. Join us at Lifeway Baptist Church on Friday, September 27 from 5:30-8:30pm. The cost is only $5/person. Be sure to register and to invite your friends!

For more information, please talk with Colin Harris.

All ladies and teen girls are invited to a cozy craft night on Thursday, October 24. A daytime craft is offered at 10:30 am and an evening craft is offered at 6:30 pm. Please sign up here or at the welcome desk. Cost is $7. (Please don’t let cost ever keep you from coming! If cost is an issue, please let us know. We want you to be there!)
For the 10:30am event, register here.
For the 6:30pm event, register here.
For the 10:30am event, register here.
For the 6:30pm event, register here.

Join us for Missions Emphasis Sunday, Oct. 27th.
Special guest speaker, Director of WorldView Ministries, Ken Fielder, will be with us for the Morning Worship Service.
Special guest speaker, Director of WorldView Ministries, Ken Fielder, will be with us for the Morning Worship Service.

November 17-22

More information about these meetings will be given in the coming weeks.

If you have a prayer request that you'd like the church to pray for, please contact us. We would love to come alongside you & pray. You can email the requests to or contact the church office.
- Fritzi & Sue Sips: Fritzi is at Bloomington hospital with an obstruction in his stomach; having tests done to find out more of what's going on
- Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
- John Bower & Family: chemo every 3 weeks; finding results of scan 9/25
- Andy & Bryn Gleiser (children: Charis, Amberly, Drew): Bryn’s health & cancer treatments
- Richard Welding: continued strength & health as he battles blood cancer
- Paul Schmidt: continued prayer for his health as he battles lung cancer
- Tom Chandler: health issues
- Jerry Von Bokern: remains in hospital; wisdom for family & doctors; strength & peace for Pat
- Land Development happening around Lifeway
- Upcoming Election
- Christy Paulley: PRAISE! was at church on Sunday; recovery & healing after surgery
- Karen Newson: continued healing after surgery
- Pastor Tim Lindsey & family, and Life Line Baptist Church: Ruthie went home to be with her Saviour on 9/22; funeral 9/26 @ 11am
- Kawon & Ashley Warfield: baby girl, Elliana Jane, born 9/23; mom & baby doing well!
- Hellen Dubree: surgery on 10/8
- Mary Ann Wagner (Amber Dhanawade’s Mom): struggling with some health concerns; having tests & scans done
- Nicole Thomas: mom unexpectedly passed away
- David Landis (Dee Goodman’s Dad): been sick; wisdom/strength for him & doctors as they monitor things
- Dee Goodman: health; been sick for a few days & trying to care for her Dad
- Cole Besherwor: continued healing from mycoplasma pneumonia
- Jason Jedlicka: started radiation treatments this week for prostate cancer that came back
- Patti (Rebecca Morrison’s mom): at home after a stay in ICU; pray for recovery & strength
- Jorgi & Zach: continued prayer for health & courage
- Pete Chadwick: funeral for his sister 9/26
- Marilyn Helms: been in pain & needs encouragement
- Kristen Hancock: having surgery 9/30 to embolize tumor on left kidney
- Roy Tindal (Joe Tindal's dad): at RBB in poor health; strength & peace needed for family

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 09/18/2024 or monies received in the office after 09/22/2024. Those totals will be reflected in next week's offering totals.
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $10,235.55
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $419.82
Ways to give:
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $10,235.55
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $419.82
Ways to give:
- Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
- Drop-off at the church through the week
- Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church