October 24, 2024
Connection Fellowships
- Small Group Bible Studies
- A Study in Acts 13-28 - Session 9: Motives
- Pastor Doug Stewart (Fellowship Hall)
- Rosh Dhanawade (F9)
- Ladies Class (Conference Room)
- Things to Come: Eschatology - Pastor Steve (F6)
- A Study in Acts 13-28 - Session 9: Motives
- KidzLife Sunday School Classes
- Impact Student Ministry
- Worship Service - Guest Speaker: Missionary Ken Fielder with WorldView Ministries
- Children's Church
- Nursery: W. Bougher / E. Schuetz / A. Scott / A. Warfield
- Evening Service - Colossians Study
- KidzLife - Letter of the Week: ‘P’ - Provider... God meets the needs of His creation.
- Impact Student Ministry
- Nursery: M. Gilstrap / C. Harris
Connection Fellowships
- 10:30am (at Lifeway)
- 6:30pm (Home Connection Fellowships)
Message from the Trustees:
We need to replace 5 HVAC units. Each unit is between 20-25 years of age and needs replacement. This includes a 6-ton unit, a 4-ton unit, a 3-ton unit and two existing 20-ton units. We have received multiple quotes for this project and plan to hire Commercial Services in Bloomington to accomplish the work. We understand that the total cost is not to exceed $78, 265.00. If you have any questions concerning our current financial balances, please pick up a financial sheet on the wall near the Welcome Desk in the main foyer. We plan to pay for the project out of our Renovation and Repairs Fund which has a current balance of $158,354.70.
On Sunday, November 3, we will hold a brief Church Family Meeting following the 10am service to vote to, “Move forward on this project with designated funds out of the Renovation and Repairs Fund.” If you want to give additional funds towards this project, please clearly mark your giving with the appropriate fund name. If you have questions or concerns concerning this project, please contact a church trustee before the morning of November 3. You can set up a meeting with them through the church office.
On Sunday, November 3, we will hold a brief Church Family Meeting following the 10am service to vote to, “Move forward on this project with designated funds out of the Renovation and Repairs Fund.” If you want to give additional funds towards this project, please clearly mark your giving with the appropriate fund name. If you have questions or concerns concerning this project, please contact a church trustee before the morning of November 3. You can set up a meeting with them through the church office.
All veterans are invited to come enjoy a free breakfast & hear about updated veterans benefits from guest speaker, Steve Miller, Director of Veterans Service in Monroe County. There are invitations in the North Foyer so please invite a veteran! Please RSVP by 11/4 either by signing up at the Welcome Desk, call the church office at (812) 876-6072, or click here to reserve your spot.
All Veterans in attendance for the 10am Worship Service on November 10 will receive a special gift. It is our way of saying thank you for your service!
Let us know your kiddos are coming by registering here.
Impact Student Ministry! Sign up here for this awesome activity!
All students 6th-12th grade welcome to attend this FREE activity! Join us for dodgeball, pizza & raffles!
Register today to let us know you're planning to come.
All students 6th-12th grade welcome to attend this FREE activity! Join us for dodgeball, pizza & raffles!
Register today to let us know you're planning to come.
November 17-21
Join us for a week of gospel music, preaching, food, and fellowship!
Children’s class & nursery will be available during the evening services Sun-Tues.
Children’s class & nursery will be available during the evening services Sun-Tues.
- 11/17: Normal Sunday schedule (9am Adult SS classes will be combined)
- 11/18: Evening Service, 6:30pm
- 11/19: Evening Service, 6:30pm
- 11/20: Praise Night, 6:30pm
- 11/21: Impact Student Ministry Cola War, 5:30pm
November 24 (after the 10am service)
If you have a prayer request that you'd like the church to pray for, please contact us. We would love to come alongside you & pray. You can email the requests to info@lifewaybaptistchurch.org or contact the church office.
- Fritzi & Sue Sips: results from recent PET scan show 2 more places where cancer is; next appt 11/19 where they will get results from another test to determine if treatments are an option
- Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
- John Bower & Family: received promising results from the latest tests; chemo will continue; next treatments 11/6 & 11/26
- Andy & Bryn Gleiser (children: Charis, Amberly, Drew): Bryn’s health & cancer treatments
- Richard Welding: continued strength & health as he battles blood cancer; new regiment of treatment began this week
- Paul Schmidt: lung cancer; continued prayers for healing and health
- Tom Chandler: health issues
- Jerry Von Bokern: continued healing and recovery; left rehab facility & home with Pat
- Rhonda (Richard Welding’s sister): lung cancer
- Hellen Dubree: healing from surgery on 10/8; next follow up appt is in 2 weeks
- Kim Jedlicka: recovery from leg break & surgery
- Jason Jedlicka: undergoing radiation treatments for cancer
- Mary Ann Wagner (Amber Dhanawade’s Mom): diagnoses w/vasculitis; upcoming treatments
- Dave Landis (Dee Goodman’s Dad): health, strength; for Dee as she cares for him
- Mary Gross: breast cancer diagnosis; having surgery 11/20
- Nancy Norris (Mindy Burn’s Mom): endometrial cancer
- Don Stotler: dealing with health concerns & Crohn’s disease
- Marilyn Helms: been in pain & needs encouragement
- Beverly Yochim (Lauri Wood's Mom): healing from a fall she had last week; wisdom for Laurie & Lisa as they care for her
- Bill Hull: results of x-ray on lungs were inconclusive; possible pneumonia; further tests needed and a CT scan
- Land Development happening around Lifeway
- Upcoming Election
- Areas & citizens devasted by the impact of Hurricane Helene
Meal Train for Hellen & Lendell Dubree
Hellen is home recovering from an extensive surgery she had done on 10/8. Meals would be a great help to them. We need dates in November to be claimed. If you can provide a meal over the next couple weeks, click here to sign up!
These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 10/16/2024 or monies received in the office after 10/20/2024. Those totals will be reflected in next week's offering totals.
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $9,316.36
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $670.00
Ways to give:
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $9,316.36
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $670.00
Ways to give:
- Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
- Drop-off at the church through the week
- Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church