December 5, 2024
Click on the image above to listen to this week's worship playlist.
- Small Group Bible Studies
- Explore the Bible, Exodus-Leviticus(meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
- Bibliology with Pastor Steve (meeting in the Glow Room - large room at the end of the Pastoral offices hallway.)
- KidzLife Sunday School Classes
- Impact Student Ministry
- Worship Service - Longing for Hope | Hope Incarnate (Isaiah 7)
- Children’s Church
- Nursery: W. Bougher / E. Lee / C. Paulley / L. Von Bokern
- Living Nativity Setup (Even if you didn't sign up to help, please still come. All volunteers welcome!)
- Living Nativity
- 10:30am (at Lifeway)
- 6:30pm (Home Connection Fellowships)
As a church family, we would like to express our love and appreciation to Pastor Steve, Pastor Doug, Pastoral Intern Blake, and their families by collecting a love-offering for Christmas. If you would like to contribute, please use the envelopes designated “Christmas for Pastors” located at the Welcome Desk and in the pews. You may also give online, please select the fund "Christmas for Pastors". We will collect these love gifts through Sunday, December 22nd.
Thank you!
Thank you!
2025 giving envelopes will be available for pick up in the North Foyer by 12/22.
Monies that come in after 12/29/24 (except for online giving) will be accounted for on the 2025 giving statements. In order to receive a giving statement at the end of the year, you will need an envelope # or be giving online. Contact the church office at (812) 876-6072 for questions or to be assigned an envelope #.
Monies that come in after 12/29/24 (except for online giving) will be accounted for on the 2025 giving statements. In order to receive a giving statement at the end of the year, you will need an envelope # or be giving online. Contact the church office at (812) 876-6072 for questions or to be assigned an envelope #.
All ladies who are interested in doing a book study and meeting in January to discuss it, please sign up here or at the Welcome Desk. The book is Heaven Rules by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and cost is $15. Please do not let cost get in the way of joining this study. Please talk with Melinda or the church office if cost is an issue.
If you have a prayer request that you'd like the church to pray for, please contact us. We would love to come alongside you & pray. You can email the requests to or contact the church office.
- Fritzi & Sue Sips: strength & peace
- Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
- John Bower & Family: healing of cancer & side effects of chemo; next chemo is 12/26
- Andy & Bryn Gleiser (children: Charis, Amberly, Drew): Bryn’s health & cancer treatments
- Wayne Shotts: fell & broke ankle; had surgery & in hard cast for several weeks
- Richard Welding: not been feeling well; continued strength & health as he battles blood cancer
- Glenda Welding: prayers for health concerns
- Jerry Von Bokern: improving daily; continuing in speech therapy & working to be able to swallow foods; he is really doing well
- Rhonda (Richard Welding’s sister): lung cancer
- Kim Jedlicka: recovery from leg break & surgery
- Jason Jedlicka: continued healing and health improvement
- Mary Gross: cancer treatments
- Nancy Norris (Mindy Burn’s Mom): endometrial cancer; next chemo 12/13; surgery possible after all chemo treatments are finished
- Bill Hull: Diagnosed w/stage 3 lung cancer; appt w/oncologist to be scheduled so treatments can be discussed
- Linda Bertram: had surgery to remove kidney stone; recovering nicely; was at church on Sunday
- Stohry Update: Kimble will have double knee replacement 11/18
- Lois England: continued healing; strength for Chuck & Hazel as they care for her
- Josh Rivera: lost job; searching for new work
- David Landis (Dee Goodman’s Dad): started new meds for leg swelling, moving easier; breathing improved also; strength for Dee & Randy as they care for him
- Kelly McDaniels: no wrist surgery needed but will be doing special therapy to regain strength & mobility
- Land Development happening around Lifeway
These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 11/27/2024 or monies received in the office after 12/01/2024. Those totals will be reflected in next week's offering totals.
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $14,296.78
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $673.42
Ways to give:
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $14,296.78
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $673.42
Ways to give:
- Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
- Drop-off at the church through the week
- Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church