January 23, 2025

Click on the Spotify icon above for Sunday's worship playlist.
- Bibliology with Pastor Steve
Also, if you need to step out, the “Cry Room” is equipped with speakers that allow you to listen in on the meeting & has toys for children to play with.
- Small Group Bible Studies
- Bibliology with Pastor Steve
- KidzLife Sunday School Classes
- Impact Student Ministry
- Worship Service - Thankful for the Church (I Thessalonians 1:1-10)
- Children’s Church
- Nursery: M. Feaster / M. Nay / E. Schuetz / A. Warfield
- Annual Business Meeting
Also, if you need to step out, the “Cry Room” is equipped with speakers that allow you to listen in on the meeting & has toys for children to play with.
- Pizza Lunch in the Gym (Please bring a side dish to share.)
10:30am: Midweek Connection Fellowship w/Pastor Steve
6:30pm: Connection Fellowship at Lifeway w/Pastor Steve
6:30pm: College & Career
6:30pm: Connection Fellowship at Lifeway w/Pastor Steve
6:30pm: College & Career
January 23rd | 6:30pm
Ladies, this will be the final meeting for the study.

All ladies are invited to help Naomi (and Aaron!) Fox will welcome their baby boy who is due in early February! Please join us for a baby shower brunch at 10:30am on Saturday, January 25!
Naomi is registered on Amazon. Click here to view her registry.
Naomi is registered on Amazon. Click here to view her registry.

All ladies and teen girls are invited for a fun evening of games and snacks at Lifeway on Thursday, February 6 at 11:00 am or 6:30 pm! Invite a friend to join you or come expecting to make a friend or deepen a friendship! Please sign up here or at the Welcome Desk! There is a limited number of slots to sign up to bring a charcuterie board. If you have questions, contact Melinda Von Bokern.

All ladies are welcome to sign up for secret sisters! If you are interested in being paired with another lady for the next year, please sign up below or at the Welcome Desk this Sunday. If you & your current sister would like to stay together for another year, please let Melinda Von Bokern know (& still be sure to sign up!)
Three new classes to choose from, all focusing on different aspects of Scripture (Observation, Interpretation, Application). Samples of the books, a print out of the image below, & sign up sheets for these classes can be found at the table located by the sound booth. If you'd like to sign up today, please fill out the form below. Please sign up by 2/2, books will be ordered on 2/3. Talk with Pastor Doug if you have any questions.

Any married couple interested in attending a couples’ retreat in Greenwood, please sign up at the Welcome Desk or fill out the form below. Please be listening for further details. The cost will be $140 per couple.
Track 2 Biblical Counseling Interest Sign Up
Individuals who took Track 1 & are interested in participating in Track 2 training can sign up below or at the Welcome Desk. This is an interest only sign up.
A printed copy of the schedule below will be available this Sunday at the Welcome Desk.
A printed copy of the schedule below will be available this Sunday at the Welcome Desk.

Wednesday Bible Study & Home Groups
2024 Calendar
Sunday Classes
2025 Calendar

If you have a prayer request that you'd like the church to pray for, please contact us. We would love to come alongside you & pray. You can email the requests to info@lifewaybaptistchurch.org or contact the church office.
- Fritzi & Sue Sips: health is steadily declining; now on hospice care; strength & peace for the days ahead
- Tyler & Nancy Sage: Tyler's health & Nancy as she cares for him
- John Bower & Family: neurologist narrowed down possible causes for pain, more tests ordered; will see oncologist & neurologist next month; Melissa still healing from concussion
- Andy & Bryn Gleiser (children: Charis, Amberly, Drew): continued prayers for Bryn’s treatments, protection from sickness, her inner man, financial provision as her treatments w/Mayo Clinic are out of pocket, and her husband/kids as they walk this w/her
- Wayne Shotts: continued healing from broken ankle
- Richard Welding: continued strength & health as he battles blood cancer
- Jerry Von Bokern: improving daily; feeding tube has been removed
- Rhonda (Richard Welding’s sister): lung cancer
- Mary Gross: cancer treatments
- Nancy Norris (Mindy Burn’s Mom): had surgery 1/21; tumor was removed; her abdomen is bound for the next 3 months; cancer therapy will continue w/oral meds
- Bill Hull: stage 3 lung cancer; upcoming treatments & appointments
- Teresa Padgett (Dee Goodman's cousin): lung & bone cancer; in great amount of pain
- Matt Morrison: Continued prayer for healing after shoulder surgery
- Hellen Dubree: overall health
- Denise Ellett (Glenda Litz's sister): health improvement
- Kimble Stohry: please pray for his surgeon to come to Christ; surgeon is Buddhist & Kimble believes he is close to accepting Christ
- Linda Bertram: health & encouragement
- Wanda Jones: cornea transplant surgery recovery; repeat surgery in 2nd eye in Feb; strength & wisdom for Dan & Kathy as they care for her
- Carolyn Torres (missionary to Spain): lymphoma; pray for treatment & healing
- Land Development happening around Lifeway
Giving statements for the 2024 year have been sent. Please note, if you give ONLINE, your statement has been emailed to the email address linked with your online giving. If you have not received it, please contact Cheri Harris at the church office.

These totals do not reflect any monies that were received online after 01/16/2025 or monies received in the office after 01/19/2025. Those totals will be reflected in next week's offering totals.
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $13,598.61
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $1,616.22
Ways to give:
Offering (Budget $13,957.53): $13,598.61
Missions (Budget $1,700.00): $1,616.22
Ways to give:
- Click here to give one time, or set up recurring giving online.
- Drop-off at the church through the week
- Mail: Lifeway Baptist Church